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My Projects

From time to time, I play around with small project like these. Some are ideas I just wanted to try out, while others were about learning something new. The website you are looking at right now is such a project.

Blackjack script

blackjack illustration

This was actually an assignment I had to do before a job interview. It is a script that plays a game of "blackjack" between "Sam" and "The Dealer". When the game is over the hands and some other information is displayed. The rules of this game varies from real blackjack rules to a sertain degree because the assignment I was given had a simplified set of rules, so I stuck to those.

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Cascade game


This is a project I did when I first started learning JavaScript. My motivation was to explore jQuery, and also challenge myself by writing a recursive function, as this was something I never mastered in school. In many ways I am pleased with the result, although when I look at the code today I see that a lot of it is redundant, and some notations are just plain weird. The styling is also not that great, but that wasn't the focus of this project either. I have decided to keep it the way I wrote it originally instead of fixing my mistakes, because I enjoy looking at it from time to time and see how much I have learned.

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